homeschool basics

Homeschooling is a very individualized and personal choice. Some families are second, third generation homeschoolers. Others have thought about it or maybe even wished they were homeschooled themselves. And in some cases, families are “forced” into it based on current circumstances, like the pandemic, medical mandates, or treatment by their previous school. 

Whatever the reason may be why you are considering homeschooling, I welcome you! And I thank you for allowing me to guide you. 

In this course you will find Basic Facts on Homeschooling. Much of this can be searched on the internet, but most is published by curriculum publishers pushing their curricula or program. Some information is well intentioned, but wrong. Some are amazing, but leave you with more questions than you started with. 

THAT is why I am here to help you. So many families have reached out to me for information and each time I wished that I had one place to send them to get all the answers. Because that just did not exist, I created this course. I wanted to help you- the person who is exploring this option, the person who is unsure if they can actually homeschool their children, the person who wants to, but the doubt and fear creeps in every time they start to plan their journey. 

This course is for you.