Hi, I’m Jeanette jimenez.
I’m an Education Specialist and the founder of Seed.Root.Bloom.
As a mom of four and a classroom teacher I know firsthand making educational decisions for your family can be challenging. When our little ones struggle, we seek out the resources and support to help them. Unfortunately, sometimes, with so much information out there, you may not know where to start. Let me help you!
Using my 11+ years of experience teaching students with a variety of diverse needs and homeschooling my own children the last six years, I created Seed.Root.Bloom to help you feel confident in making educational decisions that align with your family’s values.
Whether you want to learn more about Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or are considering homeschooling your own children, I can help you through 1on1 consultations, online courses, or even my free online articles.
Our Inspiration
Raising our babies is very much like that of tending to a garden, but obviously on a much larger scale. I love looking at this analogy as I reflect on how to raise my children, and how I look at helping the children that I work with.
To bring out the beauty of each individual child we must focus on three parts of their growth- the seed, the root, and the bloom.
Imagine the beauty that lies within a tiny seed. When placed in the right environment, soil, that little thing, the seed, has the potential to become something much greater- a flower, a plant, or a tree.
Our children are the seeds of the future. When nourished and nurtured in the proper environment, they are provided not only everything they need to survive, but the love and attention needed to flourish. With such self-confidence and a sense of purpose, they have the potential to change the world!
The root is a plant’s foundation. It’s what keeps the plant stable and healthy. Even when we move that tiny, new plant to a pot, its roots remain intact. They are strong enough to withstand the new environment.
We must provide the tools and support so that our children take root. The roots- the habits, the wisdom passed down, the tools taught- shape the plant and keep it grounded. Similarly, what we pour into our children when they are young, shapes who they become as adults. It is our hope that we provide them with the confidence, the strength, and the persistence to stand tall and blossom.
The most beautiful part of a plant is its bloom. It is here where the world is able to admire it, and where the plant can serve its purpose in the world.
Our children will grow up and gain independence. They will venture off into the world and leave their mark in a way only they know how. It is our hope as parents that we have passed down all the knowledge, wisdom, love, and support we possibly could so that they can withstand all that they may face- positive, negative, and all of that lies in between.